October 17, 2011
Lucas and Work
This week, Lucas will be 11 weeks old- that's almost 3 months! Where has the time gone? He's turning into such a big boy- starting to be able to sit up for a tiny bit on his own, being curious about new sounds and places, and enjoying spending time with his mama! :) It has also been a great thing being able to have him at work with me. Luckily, our board of directors decided that it would be beneficial for my family and our center to have him come to work with me. I try finding babysitters for important work meetings and things, but otherwise, Lucas is with me all day! This is such a blessing! I get to see all of his milestones, see his personality, and have the comfort of him being with me instead of in a daycare. However, it can also be stressful at times. On days like today, when he's fussy and extra demanding, getting work done can be difficult.
October 10, 2011
October 9, 2011
Why Should We Be Organized?!
To quote from Imperfect Homemaking, we organize with purpose. Why?
"I organize my home because I believe that when we clear out the things that don't matter, we make room for the things that do. Because our hearts and minds can only take so much chaos. And life has enough chaos of it's own. Because we need a daily refuge from the clutter and the noise and the blaring messages that wait on our doorstep. Because an uncluttered space creates an environment where we can learn and explore. And because when we clear out stuff, we make room for people."
I loved how elegantly she put this! This really inspires me to get our own home organized so that our lives are less stressful and we are able to focus our energy on God, each other, and our friends and family. Please pray for my strength to keep the motivation to organize our lives.
"I organize my home because I believe that when we clear out the things that don't matter, we make room for the things that do. Because our hearts and minds can only take so much chaos. And life has enough chaos of it's own. Because we need a daily refuge from the clutter and the noise and the blaring messages that wait on our doorstep. Because an uncluttered space creates an environment where we can learn and explore. And because when we clear out stuff, we make room for people."
I loved how elegantly she put this! This really inspires me to get our own home organized so that our lives are less stressful and we are able to focus our energy on God, each other, and our friends and family. Please pray for my strength to keep the motivation to organize our lives.
Trying To Get Organized
Pinterest.com has motivated me to get my life, house, and family organized. First, I started with family goals. Travis and I set monthly and long-term goals last night. I feel really good about them! Next, I will be making a family binder with contact info, family finances, and all other things that will help our family stay organized in the future. I will also be making an Inspiration binder, to keep my prayers, Bible studies, and other inspiring items in one place. Hopefully, this will help me build up my faith and will allow me to see the outcomes of my prayers in order to see God at work. :) Yesterday, Travis and I organized the house all day. We sorted out our closets, rearranged the furniture in the makeshift living room, got rid of tons of clothes that are either too small or we don't wear, and threw away lots of random papers and things that were just taking up space. I feel like we are making progress! I will be posting pictures of our binders when they are done!
October 8, 2011
30 Bags in 30 Days- May 2012
We set our family goals for the next year and in May, we have decided to do the "30 bags in 30 days challenge." Our goal is to fill up a bag each day to de-clutter, clean, or organize our home. We have made the list customized to our family. Here it is:
- Pantry
- Utensil drawer in kitchen
- Toys
- Lucas’ dresser
- Lucas’ closet
- My closet
- Travis’ closet
- Daisy’s fence
- Fridge
- Upstairs
- Under kitchen sink
- Bathroom closet
- My car
- Travis’ truck
- Family Binder
- Nightstands
- Top of dressers
- Desk
- Garage
- Upstairs
- Pantry
- Mail Pile
- Yard
- Bookshelf
- CD’s/DVD’s/Video Games
- Laundry Room
- My dresser
- Purse
- Travis’ dresser
- Clothes Hampers
October 7, 2011
In need of a date night...
"Keep your courtship alive. Make time to do things together -- just the two of you. As important as it is to be with the children as a family, you need regular weekly time together. Scheduling it will let your children know that you feel that your marriage is so important that you need to nurture it. That takes commitment, planning, and scheduling."
-Joe J. Christensen
Travis, if you're reading my blog, which I highly doubt, I just want you to know that I am in desperate need of some 'just you and me' time! Love you!
October 6, 2011
Child's Independence
Lord help me not to do for my children what they can do for themselves
Help me not to give them what they can earn for themselves
Help me not to tell them what they can look up for themselves.
Help me to help my children stand on their own two feet and to grow into responsible, disciplined adults.
Help me not to give them what they can earn for themselves
Help me not to tell them what they can look up for themselves.
Help me to help my children stand on their own two feet and to grow into responsible, disciplined adults.
by Marion Wright Edelman
In my parenting, I will try to:
- Let Lucas fail sometimes, asking him if he needs help up afterwards
- Give him chores and responsibilities appropriate to his age
- Take extra time when teaching, to ask questions instead of giving answers
- Having high expectations for his behavior
- Believing that he will accomplish everything he sets out to do.
A Letter to My Children About Marriage
Taken from: http://www.generationcedar.com/main/2010/03/a-letter-to-my-children-about-marriage.html
Dear Children, Should the Lord give you the good gift of a husband or wife, and I hope He does, there are a few things I want you to know. Things that you may not hear from anyone else, and certainly not on TV or other media. Sadly, your church may not even tell you.
Marriage, sweet little people, is not for the purpose of your happiness. Happy as I want you to be and hope you will be, you must yet understand that marriage is God’s design and His purposes must be pursued in order for you to be truly happy. His end is holiness and He will use all things in a life devoted to Him to fulfill that end.
To my girls:
Marry a man whose first pursuit is Christ. After that, he is not hard to please. Admire him, cheer him on and show gratitude, and he will fall over himself trying to please you. Smile often, speak well of him always, and do whatever necessary to try and maintain a pleasant mood about you so that it transfers to your home, making it a place where he and your children love to be.
You’ll have bad days of course, crying days even, and that’s when you go to your bedroom, kneel on the floor and beg the Lord to carry you. Then get up, get a fresh perspective (crayons will come off the wall), and try again. Above all else, make a home.
To my boys:
Marry a woman whose first pursuit is Christ. After that, she may be hard to please only if you don’t know “the secret”. What is that? I’m glad you asked. The secret to pleasing your wife is to make her feel safe and treasured. You may have to move out of your comfort zone to do this at times. She won’t always readily translate the oil change to love, though it means that. But let me give you a “secret question”–a question you need to ask her often. It’s not just in the asking, though. Be sure to focus your eyes on hers, maybe even touch her shoulder or face, and then ask: “What’s on your mind these days? “ And then be ready to listen. She will perceive this as your protection over the matters of her heart. Tenderness, listening, protection. That’s what she wants.
To you all:
If your wife or husband does something really stupid, forgive. If they do it again, forgive again. Forgiveness must be the propelling force in your lives each day. Dwell on the strengths, push out thoughts of their weaknesses. Take every thought captive–choose to love.
Here’s that part you are not going to hear often:
If you find yourself “not happy”, having lost attraction, disinterested, etc., you are not permitted to even think about a divorce. If you find yourselves arguing more and more, don’t think for a minute that “the children will be better off out of this”, because they won’t.
The vows you took on your wedding day were not suggestions. They were covenant vows, before a Holy God, family and friends, to stay with this person the rest of your life, even if you don’t feel like it. You swore a solemn oath and if you can’t live up to it, don’t get married. Decide up front that your marriage is irrevocable. There is far more motivation for getting along if your “marriage house” has no door. Do not share intimate thoughts or feelings with anyone of the opposite sex. Do not find yourself alone for any length of time with such either. Divorce is not a “private option”. It will affect multiple families for many generations. When you “separate what God has joined” you permanently injure far more than just yourself. Guard your marriage as fiercely as you would guard your own life. Treat your spouse as an extension of your flesh, just as God sees you. Treat your spouse like other family members. You know, “you gotta love ‘em, they’re the only family you’ve got”.
I want you to be happy, I surely do. But I will pray for you to be holy.
Make Your Mark
Little ways you can make a BIG difference. Taken from: http://mommysecrets.blogspot.com/search/label/building%20community
Live simply.
Use your professional skills to help your neighbors, church members, or community.
Shop and eat locally.
Give money to causes that are important to you.
Take time to help others (move, bake, carpool).
Plant a tree.
Recycle and buy recycled products.
Prioritize and be willing to say no.
Find a mentor and be a mentor.
Live life to the fullest.
Use your personality to bless other people and organizations.
Don’t gossip.
Do your best.
Seek forgiveness and forgive.
Use less energy.
Use water wisely.
Give thanks.
Use your hobbies to make a positive difference.
Cleanse your mind, body and spirit.
Stay physically active – and push yourself to be strong.
Drink water. Drink milk. And have an occasional glass of wine.
Write a personal and family mission statement.
Care for your nuclear and extended family.
Don’t keep up with the Jones’.
Be financially savvy.
Vote. And challenge others to be active citizens.
Speak up when you have a passionate opinion.
Know the news
Laugh – a lot!
Use your faith as an inspiration to LOVE others, not judge or ostracize them.
Love boldly.
Make your mark where you believe a mark needs to be made.
What are YOUR favorite ways to make a difference?
Who do you know that IS making a difference?
Live simply.
Use your professional skills to help your neighbors, church members, or community.
Shop and eat locally.
Give money to causes that are important to you.
Take time to help others (move, bake, carpool).
Plant a tree.
Recycle and buy recycled products.
Prioritize and be willing to say no.
Find a mentor and be a mentor.
Live life to the fullest.
Use your personality to bless other people and organizations.
Don’t gossip.
Do your best.
Seek forgiveness and forgive.
Use less energy.
Use water wisely.
Give thanks.
Use your hobbies to make a positive difference.
Cleanse your mind, body and spirit.
Stay physically active – and push yourself to be strong.
Drink water. Drink milk. And have an occasional glass of wine.
Write a personal and family mission statement.
Care for your nuclear and extended family.
Don’t keep up with the Jones’.
Be financially savvy.
Vote. And challenge others to be active citizens.
Speak up when you have a passionate opinion.
Know the news
Laugh – a lot!
Use your faith as an inspiration to LOVE others, not judge or ostracize them.
Love boldly.
Make your mark where you believe a mark needs to be made.
What are YOUR favorite ways to make a difference?
Who do you know that IS making a difference?
Things I Want to Do With Lucas Before He Grows Up
- Camp in the backyard
- Go to the zoo
- Have a "make a difference day," doing random acts of kindness for others
- Go puddle jumping
- Make a time capsule
- Build an obstacle course in the backyard
- Make mud pies
- Go to Disney
- Do a scavenger hunt
- Host a costume party for his friends
- Take a train trip
- Visit the library often
- Go Christmas caroling
- Plant a tree
- Go to a teddy bear picnic
- Fingerpaint
- Go to a magic show
- Explore nature with him
- Praise him everyday
- Go on school field trips
- Go to a circus
- Show him love, compassion, patience, and respect.
Where Has the Time Gone?!
My little man is 9 weeks old today! He had his 2 month doctor appointment yesterday and weighs 11 lbs, 8 oz and is 22 1/2 in long. I can't believe how big he is getting! He also got his first set of shots. I'm glad Daddy was there because I would have been a mess without him there to hold Lucas' hands and calm him down. The little band-aids on each fat thigh is so sad! But I know he needs the shots to protect him in the future. :)
Here is a picture of our little stud at 2 months! Holding up his head like a big boy! :)
Lucas also had his first church harvest party. Here is Motter holding him and also our family picture at the bonfire. It was such a beautiful night and didn't really get too chilly. Travis and I were reminiscing about how many harvest parties we have been to together. We were dating for the first one- back in 2005 we believe.
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