I have the desire to use this Christmas-time to restore and deepen relationships, to encourage friends and family, and to be a better woman. Therefore, I have developed the December Days of Devotion. Each day in December, I will do a simple act in order to to accomplish this goal. Here are my December Days of Devotion:
Thursday, December 1: Call Aunt Molly just to say hi
Friday, December 2: Invite Pence’s to come over for dinner
Saturday, December 3: Text Alicia and set up a lunch date
Sunday, December 4: Go caroling with SCC
Monday, December 5: Write and send Rady’s a letter
Tuesday, December 6: Smile at everyone you see today
Wednesday, December 7: Send Dad a Christmas card
Thursday, December 8: Let Travis relax tonight
Friday, December 9: Tape candy canes to an ATM today
Saturday, December 10: Text Rachel and set a time to scrap together
Sunday, December 11: Send Mom a Christmas card
Monday, December 12: Spend all afternoon making gifts
Tuesday, December 13: Spend the morning hanging out with Danielle
Wednesday, December 14: Have a “Happy Birthday Jesus” party at church
Thursday, December 15: Give a candy cane to each operation backpack child
Friday, December 16: Spend the whole time playing with Josh after school
Saturday, December 17: Add a note of encouragement and appreciation to Grandma Pence’s Christmas gift
Sunday, December 18: Make cookies for FOCC board meeting
Monday, December 19: Write a letter to Bev Brent and give it to her
Tuesday, December 20: Go to Wyatt’s Christmas concert
Wednesday, December 21: Go visit an elderly neighbor
Thursday, December 22: Sleep in!
Friday, December 23: Read the Christmas story in the Bible
Saturday, December 24: Text Lyndsay and Ashley and tell them Merry Christmas
Sunday, December 25: Rub Travis’ head for awhile and give him a massage
Monday, December 26: Take the day off and enjoy some ‘me’ time
Tuesday, December 27: Make a trip to ‘Hopefully Yours’
Wednesday, December 28: Play with Lucas and his new toys
Thursday, December 29: Send a thank you
Friday, December 30: Spend 10 minutes in prayer today- write them if needed
Saturday, December 31: Wish 10 people a happy New Year through text