I had three interviews this week {exciting, nerve-wrecking, but they all went really well} and this got me to thinking about what I am good and not so good at. For the next two days, I will be reflecting on my skills and abilities. I will start with my not-so-great qualities:
5) Playing basketball... I'm short, I hate running, I have weak ankles. Need I say more? Okay.. so this really doesn't matter at all in relation to my career, but I really wish I could play.
4) Talking on the phone. I much rather prefer emailing, texting, or speaking with people in person. Phone conversation is often long, unfocused, and inconvenient. It seems like most of my phone calls turn into 'phone tag' and we end up emailing or texting each other anyway.
3) Remembering things. Whether it be things that need done {I have sticky notes everywhere} or things I've been told {Travis always has to remind me of things}, I believe I have the worst memory of anyone I've ever met.
2) Staying focused. I'm absolutely spastic and cannot spend too much time on one thing. I like to bounce from one task to another, in order to not get too bored. :) I can't just sit down and do one thing, either- I must be doing more than one task at once. While I'm writing this, I am watching TV, doing laundry, and playing with Daisy! <3
1) Sending thank you's. Unfortunately, I am awful at sitting down and writing thank you letters. We only sent some wedding thank you's and I forgot to send any baby shower ones! I love when I receive them, though, so I should understand their importance.. Maybe this is something that I should work on in 2012!?
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