Dear Montana,
It's perfect timing to write this letter to you the week before you graduate from high school. I have been a part of your life now for over eight years, and it's been such a joy to see you develop into the young woman you are today. I am so proud to call you my sister and my friend!
You're everything I wish I would have been my senior year of high school. While many of your friends are 'living it up' and partying, you have maintained a level head and have focused on school, meaningful friendships, and forming lasting memories in a good, wholesome way. Montana, I can't tell you enough how proud I am of the choices you are making! Keep that focus as you head into college and you will do wonderfully.
Make sure to pick your friends wisely as you head into the next chapter of your life. Seek out trustworthy, Christian friends from the beginning and your college life will be way more enjoyable. And make sure to keep your beautiful smile and positive attitude. Most of all, make sure to hang onto Jesus for strength during this busy time of your life. Keep Him as your rock and make Him a priority and He will help you do great things!
Know that I'm only a phone call away and that I'm always up to hearing from you. I'm going to miss you like crazy girl! Travis, Lucas, and I will have to get used to making the trip through Iowa to see you, because Lucas will be missing his Aunt Tana! But until Fall, we will definitely have to make some awesome summer memories!!! :-)
Much love,
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