August 27, 2013

Summer 2013 Reflection

The Summer of 2013 has shaped up to be one of my favorites yet!  Our little family created many memories that will last forever and I am glad to share my reflection with you!

It was exciting to have Lucas at the racetrack for the first time this Summer!  Montana brought him to Avon one night to watch our midgets race and he absolutely had a blast!  Imagine that- Lucas liking something with a motor that goes fast?!  :-)

Lucas also spent lots of time in firetrucks in parades this summer.  Grandma Missy and Bill let him ride and throw candy in many parades!

He spent lots of time playing in the park.  And just this week, he got his first big booboo... he fell off the merry-go-round at the Stronghurst Park and had a bloody nose and a scared mommy!  He picked up and brushed off pretty quickly, but his nose is pretty beat up still.  I'm sure that's just the first of many booboos with our fearless little man!

Lucas also spent lots of time this summer in the water.  We discovered that he is actually a fish!  At Kathy's pool, he jumps off the side and goes completely under the water, just to come up laughing.

This summer, we were also blessed by our wonderful family, friends, and community at our benefit.  Because of this event, we were able to pay off all of our medical and hospital bills to date and have savings to help cover my high insurance and future medical bills!  Thank you to everyone who donated, help plan, and came to lavish me with love and support! I love you all!!

In July, my family participated in Relay for Life, which was a heartwarming and special event for me this year!!  I felt so proud to take my "survivor's lap" with a dear friend of mine!

For Lucas' birthday, GT and Montana gave him the day of his dreams.  They took him to the "big TV show" (movie theater) to see Turbo.  GT even got him a Turbo poster to hang in his bedroom!  She said he was very content until his popcorn ran out... He definitely gets that from him Mama.  :-)

Lucas also celebrated his birthday by putting in his two pennies into the church offering during Sunday School, and cherishes his pencil they gave him!

Isn't my two-year-old just so handsome?!  Thank you to Kayla Smith for taking his two year pictures!

Summer 2013 has shaped up to be a wonderful summer, full of great times spent with family and friends!  Our family is so blessed and I'm looking forward to seeing what the rest of 2013 has in store for us!

August 26, 2013

Surgery 6 Month Mark!

Exactly six months ago, I was sitting in a hotel lobby fretting and praying about my surgery the next day.  You can read all about that experience here.  Yes that's right, tomorrow, August 27th marks 6 months since my brain surgery!  I can't believe how quickly time has passed!  With God as my strength, I was able to come through the hardest adversity of my life thus far, with a smile on my face and a heart full of gladness, peace, and joy!

My prayer through this whole difficulty has been that Christ would be glorified and His light would shine through me.  I continue to strive everyday to be the best example of Christ's love and grace I can be.  I don't follow a set of rules.  I'm not perfect.  I don't worry about crossing out tasks on a Christian to-do list.  I have a passionate love relationship with Jesus Christ and I am alive to serve His people, as He did when he was on this earth!

Friends, that's all being a Christian is all about: Love God, Love Others.  If you don't know Jesus Christ on a deep, personal level and need someone to talk to, I'm here for you.  Know that I care about you; I care about you for all of eternity!  Give up all of your struggles.  This life is hard; it knocks you down and you're just not strong enough to make it through alone.  But we don't have to; we have a Father who wants to take away our pain.  We just have to give up control to Him!

August 11, 2013

Updated Bucket List

I went back on my previous bucket list and updated my desires before I "kick the bucket,"  God willing.  The ones crossed out are complete.  I hope you enjoy reading.
  1. Marry my best friend
  2. Have a child
  3. Buy a house
  4. Jump in puddles with Lucas
  5. Attend a Christian Conference
  6. Get a pedicure
  7. Go to a 49ers game
  8. Play an ultimate prank on Ed
  9. Dance in the rain
  10. Start a non-profit organization
  11. Do karaoke
  12. Fly on an airplane
  13. Adopt a dog
  14. Lead someone to Christ
  15. Go to Dollywood
  16. Write a book
  17. Adopt a child
  18. Rekindle a lost friendship
  19. Be debt free
  20. Write a thank you to a teacher
  21. Construct a family tree
  22. Write a letter to everyone I love
  23. Go to a professional race
  24. Go camping with mom
  25. Go on a mission trip to Haiti
  26. See Aerosmith in concert
  27. Weight 150 pounds
  28. Do a wine tasting
  29. Donate over $500 at once
  30. Drive a racecar
  31. Swim in the ocean
  32. Donate my hair
  33. Host a costume party
  34. Have a tarot card reading
  35. Swim with dolphins
  36. Pay mom back for everything
  37. Get Lasik eye surgery
  38. Plant a tree
  39. Visit Sanju in Nepal
  40. Go on a zip-line
  41. Meet Dolly Parton
  42. Celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary
  43. Go to Disneyland
  44. Visit a chocolate factory
  45. Swim in a pool of ramen noodles
  46. Visit the Holy Land
  47. Celebrate 4th of July in DC
  48. Ride in a hot air balloon
  49. Watch the northern lights in Alaska
  50. Forgive my dad
  51. Make a scrapbook of my life
  52. Plan a family reunion
  53. Make homemade ice cream
  54. Start a collection
  55. Graffiti something
  56. Take a road trip with a group of girlfriends
  57. Go snowboarding
  58. March in a parade for a cause
  59. Go skinny dipping
  60. Have a pen pal
  61. Volunteer in a VA clinic
  62. Give 3 gallons of blood
  63. See my grandkids graduate from college
  64. Build a sand castle
  65. Go to Oktoberfest in Munich
  66. Receive my Master’s Degree
  67. Have a complete address book
  68. Send out Christmas cards to my whole address book
  69. Ride an elephant
  70. Be in the audience of SNL
  71. Play on a Slip N Slide
  72. Ride a horse
  73. Fast for 30 hours
  74. Watch the whole X-Men trilogy in a weekend
  75. See a Broadway musical
  76. Get a mom/daughter tattoo
  77. Take dance lessons
  78. Go to the top of the Empire State Building
  79. Eat a hotdog from a street cart
  80. Give mom a dozen roses
  81. Send a message in a bottle
  82. Visit a crayon factory
  83. Sit on a jury
  84. Take a mud bath
  85. Ride in a gondola
  86. Sleep under the stars
  87. Test drive a car I can’t afford
  88. Have a huge food fight
  89. Spend the whole day in bed
  90. See bagpipers in Scotland
  91. Visit a museum
  92. Ride the biggest roller coaster at the theme park
  93. Have a dress-up tea party
  94. Sit on a rooftop and watch clouds form shapes
  95. Visit a prison
  96. Organize “Angel Tree for Elderly”
  97. Pray continually, love people too much, smile always, and love Jesus passionately!