January 6, 2015

God's Path, Not Mine

I'm a natural long-term thinker.  I enjoy planning and figuring out the next steps with every aspect of my life.

Something became clear today with my daily Bible reading, though.  I've read these verses about Jesus' birth many many times: Angels came and told Mary she would be with child, Angels told Joseph to take her as his wife, the Magi came and blessed him with gifts, they fled Herod's wrath, and they ended up in Nazareth.  Yada yada yada... sometimes when we read these ever-so-familiar verses, we're tempted to just skim them, rather than really soaking up the meaning God has for you.  Today, something in these verses really stood out and shook me, though.

Matthew 2 starts with the Magi visiting baby Jesus and his parents, and how they disobeyed Herod and didn't return to tell him of Jesus' location.  In verse 12, an angel appeared to Joseph just simply saying "Get up.  Take the child and escape to Egypt, for Herod is trying to kill him."  That's the only part of the story that God revealed to Joseph.  That's it.

Then Herod issued the decree to kill all the male babies under two.  Joseph was revealed another part of the whole plan when the angel came and said "Get up.  Take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who were trying to take the child's life are dead."  Again, the whole story wasn't reveled to Joseph, but he simply obeyed and left with his family.

Then, on his way, he heard that Herod's son was now the King and an angel appeared again in a dream directing Joseph and his family to Nazareth.  Joseph again obeyed and listened to God's call.

Wow.  Prophesy after prophesy was fulfilled in this story.  Obedience and God's display of complete control and provision was displayed. I really feel like God opened my eyes as I read this story today!  So often, I have this need and desire to be in complete control of my future, mapping out each chapter and step that I should take.  Rather than having the faith of Joseph and relying on God to direct each step, I tend to plan so rigidly that I often miss God's perfect path for my life.  How about you ladies?!??  Are you with me??

I truly believe, though, that with much training and study of God's Word, and connecting to Him through daily prayer, we can overcome this need to rely on our own plan. Ladies, one of my goals this year is to just simply be.  I desire to fully open my heart and mind to His calling, rather than my own plans.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." -Proverbs 3:5-6

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you." -Psalm 32:8

With love,