June 12, 2012

2012 Goals: Update

Back in January, I posted my 2012 goals which included:
  1. Meet with God. Pray more. Study more.
  2. Do Dave Ramsey's baby steps.
  3. Make 'dating' Travis and priority.
  4. Snuggle often with Lucas.
  5. Take more pictures of Lucas and I.
  6. Be a great friend to Danielle.
  7. Make changes, not excuses.
  8. Have fun. Smile lots. <3
It has been five months since posting these goals and I am a firm believer in holding yourself accountable and assessing your progress.  Therefore, that is exactly what I am going to do today.  I have been very focused on a few very specific things over the past few months- spending each morning in Bible study and prayer, budgeting more effectively and paying off our debt, and reading books in order to learn and grow.  I would say this means I am doing a great job with goal #1 and #2!  Yay!  As for goal #3, I would say that I could be doing a better job of 'dating' my hubby.  However, I have made a very conscious effort to speak his love languages, which are physical touch and acts of service.  I hate doing chores around the house, but have worked hard to keep a somewhat clean house in order for Travis to come home to peace and I have done a great job of touching him in public which he loves (what man doesn't love that?!).  I have done a wonderful job with #4.  I am cherishing every minute of Lucas' childhood and love being able to have him at work with me so I don't miss even a single new discovery of his!  #5 was bound for failure from the start.  Travis' picture-taking skills don't live up to my expectations and it's hard to remember to take pictures with you in them.  I have recruited a close friend of mine to be our designated 'photographer' at Lucas' first birthday party, however, and plan to make her aware that we want many pictures with me in them also!  :)  I have fallen off of the horse with #6.  With my focus on these other things I have spoke about, it's hard to have enough time in the week to spend even a little down time with my bestie.  We talk each Sunday in church and take our kids to storytime at the library each Tuesday together, but we haven't actually spent time deeply talking about our lives in over two weeks!  Crazy!  I miss our time spent over coffee, venting, and speaking the truth to each other!  I need to fix this.  I love my goal #7!  Make changes, not excuses.  So profound and such a smack in the face!  I am a natural complainer and I tend to blame problems on my circumstances.  It has been challenging to alter this, but I knew in order to be a good person, I needed to step up and realize that I excuses just don't work and aren't the answer.  I need to make changes when I mess up and I will continue to improve in this area of my life.  Finally, I have definitely been accomplishing my goal #8!  Living with Travis, it's hard not to laugh and have a good time!  :)

So there it is... My 2012 goal assessment.  I pray that I can stay focused and continue to make strides in these 8 areas of my life.  God bless,

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