February 5, 2014

God is the Reason...

God is the reason why
even in pain, I smile;
in confusion, I understand;
and in fear, I continue to fight!

- Author Unknown

God truly is the reason.  He's the reason I wake up each morning; I've taken a vow to represent Him each day and love people in His name.  He's the reason I smile at people, hoping to be a ray of sunshine in a dark world.  God's the reason I am able to understand that difficult situations only bring us closer to Him and each other.  Honestly, God's the only reason that I'm able to continue this fight! 

God, thank you for carrying me through this difficult season in my life.  Thank you for my family, friends, mentors, and church.  Lord, I give it all over to you; the burdens I carry are too heavy and you have offered to take them.  Thank you.  You are my strength and my hope, my joy and my reason for everything. 

God, to you be the praise! 


  1. Hi Alicia - we met at the Fireman's Soup supper last month. I would love to talk to you. I can't find an email or phone. Can you please contact me - thanks!

  2. Hi Julie! My email is apence10@g mail.com. Feel free to contact me! :-)
