July 22, 2014


Hi Everyone!  I'm terribly sorry that it's been over a month since I last wrote a blog post!  It's been a whirlwind of a Summer, filled with racing, family activities, fair, and VBS!  Racing kicked off in full force throughout June and July.  We've had some trouble; blown two engine to be exact.  We just keep persevering and know that knowledge and effort is what will help us be successful.  The Hend. Co. Fair was last week, and we spent lots of time at the fairgrounds watching demo derbys and enjoying time with our friends and community.  We spent July 4th at fireworks and spending time with family and friends.  And this week is VBS at church!  I just love witnessing to children through this program each year!  There's something special about planting Jesus seeds in a child's life!  This coming weekend really ends our July festivities, as we celebrate being cancer-free at Relay for Life on Friday and gear up for Lucas' 3rd (yes THIRD) birthday party on August 3rd.  I have been asked to serve as the Survivor Speaker for Relay for Life this year, and am honored to share my story and testimony with our community!  I should be putting finishing touches on that speech right now... hmmm... ;-)  All of this is wonderful, but let me tell ya, I'm wiped out and absolutely ready for August and September to be here!!

Health-wise, things are going wonderfully!  I'm feeling great and have no symptoms.  My next MRI will be in September, so I look forward to that, with expectation of great news.  I have really claimed God's promise as my own- By His stripes I AM HEALED!!!  I truly believe that my healing has already came; The Bible tells me that.  I just had to claim it.  I've done so, and now Satan has no authority over my health!  God is SO good!

That's all I have for now, friends.  Please know how much I appreciate your friendship and following my blog.  It means the world to me, knowing that I'm able to inspire others and touch lives through sharing my story!  I hope to see you Friday night at Relay for Life at the West Central High School track in Biggsville!  Opening Ceremony and my speech kicks off at 6:00pm!

Much love,

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