August 26, 2013

Surgery 6 Month Mark!

Exactly six months ago, I was sitting in a hotel lobby fretting and praying about my surgery the next day.  You can read all about that experience here.  Yes that's right, tomorrow, August 27th marks 6 months since my brain surgery!  I can't believe how quickly time has passed!  With God as my strength, I was able to come through the hardest adversity of my life thus far, with a smile on my face and a heart full of gladness, peace, and joy!

My prayer through this whole difficulty has been that Christ would be glorified and His light would shine through me.  I continue to strive everyday to be the best example of Christ's love and grace I can be.  I don't follow a set of rules.  I'm not perfect.  I don't worry about crossing out tasks on a Christian to-do list.  I have a passionate love relationship with Jesus Christ and I am alive to serve His people, as He did when he was on this earth!

Friends, that's all being a Christian is all about: Love God, Love Others.  If you don't know Jesus Christ on a deep, personal level and need someone to talk to, I'm here for you.  Know that I care about you; I care about you for all of eternity!  Give up all of your struggles.  This life is hard; it knocks you down and you're just not strong enough to make it through alone.  But we don't have to; we have a Father who wants to take away our pain.  We just have to give up control to Him!

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