October 9, 2011

Trying To Get Organized

Pinterest.com has motivated me to get my life, house, and family organized.  First, I started with family goals.  Travis and I set monthly and long-term goals last night.  I feel really good about them!  Next, I will be making a family binder with contact info, family finances, and all other things that will help our family stay organized in the future.  I will also be making an Inspiration binder, to keep my prayers, Bible studies, and other inspiring items in one place.  Hopefully, this will help me build up my faith and will allow me to see the outcomes of my prayers in order to see God at work.  :)  Yesterday, Travis and I organized the house all day.  We sorted out our closets, rearranged the furniture in the makeshift living room, got rid of tons of clothes that are either too small or we don't wear, and threw away lots of random papers and things that were just taking up space.  I feel like we are making progress!  I will be posting pictures of our binders when they are done! 

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