May 12, 2013

Dear Danielle

Dear Danielle,

I truly feel like God brought you to the middle of nowhere so you could find not only your husband, but also your best friend.  Our friendship was definitely crafted in Heaven and God was probably laughing hysterically as He directed our lives to find each other.   You know, He has that sort of sense of humor.  I know that because He created people like you and I!  :-)

I am so thankful that I have you in my life!  We've weathered many storms together and I love knowing that I always have a trusted friend to vent to, a shoulder to cry on, and a pal to laugh hysterically with.  You are one of the most loving, compassionate people I know; you're always thinking of and doing nice things for others and I truly admire this quality in you.  You challenge me to be a better woman; challenging me in my weaknesses and holding me accountable when I need.

You are a wonderful mother, wife, and friend and I am so proud to call you my best friend!!  I look forward to many more years of laughter, tears, and love!  May God continue to bless our friendship!

Much love,

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